Frequently Asked Questions

(FLASHCARD) 07. How do I search for more flashcard topics and enroll to My Topics

LOOP LMS lets you view others' flashcard topics and enroll in them, providing you with insights to others' thoughts and learn from them.

Here’s how to search for topics and enroll in a few steps:

1. Log in to your LOOP LMS account as a Learner/Instructor/Site Administrator. Go to Adaptive Flashcards > Search (1).

2a. Input your topic of interest into the search bar (2) and click “enter” or the search button (3). Relevant topics to your search will appear.

2b. Alternatively, click on Show Filters (4) to display the criteria that topics can be filtered by. Then, click Add Filters (5) after selecting the criteria.

3. Click on the “view” icon (6) to view the content of shown flashcard topics. Click on the “+” icon (7) to enroll in the topic of your interest. The topic will then appear in "My Topics" afterwards.

That’s it!

LOOP LMS lets you search for topics created by other users online, allowing you to gain a different perspective on a certain topic at hand or find study sets without the need to create flash cards. However, if you find flashcards with inappropriate content, you should flag them so that they will be reviewed or taken down. Next up: learn how to view all the topics that you liked.

 Last updated Mon, Dec 13 2021 5:12pm

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