Frequently Asked Questions

(FLASHCARD) 09. What is confidence level in a flashcard

LOOP LMS captures your confidence level when answering a question to determine how often the question is repeated.

Here's how to choose your confidence level in a few steps:

1. Log in to your LOOP LMS account as a Learner/Instructor/Site Administrator. Go to Adaptive Flashcards > My Topics (1).

2. Click on the “view” button (2) of the topic and then “play study set” (3) to start the flashcards.

3. After quizzing yourself a question, reveal the answer and indicate your confidence level on the tab below “How confident are you with this question?” (4).

What is the purpose of choosing your confidence level?

LOOP LMS uses Leverage Machine Learning and algorithms to repeat weaker concepts more frequently (Adaptive Learning).
Flashcards with stronger concepts are shown less often while flashcards with weaker concepts are shown more frequently, allowing the user to become more familiar and thus better with weaker concepts.

That’s it!

LOOP LMS utilizes spaced repetition and adaptive learning to enhance one’s learning experience online, removing the hassle of manually selecting concepts that you are weak at, and thus allowing you to make better use of your time! Aside from confidence level, you might also be interested in learning about the difference between overall mastery and study set mastery.

 Last updated Mon, Dec 13 2021 5:12pm

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