Frequently Asked Questions
(COURSE) 10. What are the available question types
You can test your learners with assessments when they have completed the course activities. LOOP LMS provides different types of question for you to test your learners:
- Fill in the Blank: It consists of a phrase, sentence, or paragraph with a blank space where the learner provides the missing word(s).
- Matching: It provides a list of sub-questions along with a list of answers. The learners are asked to "match" the correct answers with each question.
- Multiple Choice: A form of an objective assessment in which the learners are asked to select only correct answers from a list of choices.
- Single Choice: A closed-ended question where there is only one answer from the list of options.
- Drag and Drop Marker: The learners are asked to drop markers onto an area on a background image, where the drop zones have been defined while creating the question.
- Drag and Drop Text: The learners are asked to drag and drop text options from an answer bank into the question text.
- Essay: Learners are required to write their answers in a sentence, paragraph, or short composition.
- Import: Import a list of questions that you have already created in GIFT or AIKEN format.
To create a question, log in to your LOOP LMS account as an Instructor.
Fill in the Blank
Go to Courses > Question Bank > Fill in the Blank (1).
Name the question (2) and choose the category (3) for this question. Set the privacy setting of the question (4) to limit the visibility of your question to other users. Write down your answer and add “_” for 6 times to indicate the blank space for the answer (5). Indicate the difficulty level (6), mark per answer (7) and penalty per answer (8). Indicate the correct answer (9) and choose to input explanations for the answer (10) before you submit (11).
Go to Courses > Question Bank > Matching (1).
Name the question (2) and choose the category (3) for this question. Set the privacy setting of the question (4) to limit the visibility of your question to other users. Indicate the description (5) of the question, the difficulty level (6), mark per answer (7) and penalty per answer (8). Type in your question (9) and indicate the correct answer to this question (10). Click ‘+’ icon (11) to add more questions. Choose to input explanations for the answer (12) before you submit (13) to save this question.
Multiple Choice
Go to Courses > Question Bank >Multiple Choice (1).
Name the question (2) and choose the category (3) for this question. Set the privacy setting of the question (4) to limit the visibility of your question to other users.
Write down your question (5) and indicate the difficulty level (6), mark per choice (7) and penalty per choice (8). Indicate different choices (9) and tick the correct answers (10). Click ‘+’ icon (11) to add more choices. Choose to input explanations for the answer (12) before you submit (13) to save this question.
Single Choice
Go to Courses > Question Bank >Single Choice (1).
Name the question (2) and choose the category (3) for this question. Set the privacy setting of the question (4) to limit the visibility of your question to other users.
Write down your question (5) and indicate the difficulty level (6), mark per choice (7) and penalty per choice (8). Indicate different choices (9) and tick the correct answer (10). Click ‘+’ icon (11) to add more choices. Choose to input explanations for the answer (12) before you submit (13) to save this question.
Drag and Drop Marker
Go to Courses > Question Bank >Drag and Drop Marker (1).
Name the question (2) and choose the category (3) for this question. Set the privacy setting of the question (4) to limit the visibility of your question to other users. Add in a description for your question (5).
Upload an image (6). To indicate a marker, name the label (7), click the Coordinates box (8) and drop a marker on the image by clicking the specific points on the image (9). Click the ‘+’ icon (10) to drop more markers on the same image. Choose to input explanations for the answer (11) before you fill out the rest of the information like difficulty level (12), mark per answer (13) and penalty per answer (14). Click done to save your question (15).
Note: The image size has to be in Square (e.g. 128x128 px)
Drag and Drop Text
Go to Courses > Question Bank >Drag and Drop Text (1).
Name the question (2) and choose the category (3) for this question. Set the privacy setting of the question (4) to limit the visibility of your question to other users. Insert your question and use ‘[[‘ and ‘]]’with a number in place of the answer to indicate a box placeholder (5) i.e. ‘I am [[1]] and [[2]].’.
Indicate the difficulty level (6), mark per answer (7), and penalty per answer (8). Fill up the answer (9) and click the ‘+’ icon (10) to add more answers. Choose to input explanations for the answer (11) before you submit (12) to save this question.
Go to Courses > uestion Bank > Essay Question (1).
Name the question (2) and choose the category (3) for this question. Set the privacy setting of the question (4) to limit the visibility of your question to other users. Insert your essay description (5) to give the learners more details. Indicate the difficulty level (6) and default mark (7) and penalty per answer. Submit (8) to save the question.
That’s it!
Now you can create different types of question for the assessment or increase your work efficiency by importing questions in the GIFT/ AIKEN formats. Next up: Learn how to create an assessment to add all the questions that you have created and include it in a course!
Last updated Wed, Dec 15 2021 8:39am