Frequently Asked Questions

(FLASHCARD) 04. How do I create Mathematic or Scientific equations in a flashcard

LOOP LMS lets you create flashcards that display mathematic or scientific equations quickly and conveniently.

Here’s how to create Mathematic or Scientific equations in flashcard in a few steps:

1. Log in to your LOOP LMS account as a Learner/Instructor/Site Administrator. Go to Adaptive Flashcards > My Topics (1).

2. Click the “view” icon (2) to move to the page showing your study sets.

3. Click the “edit” icon (3) to edit the flashcards in your study set.

4. Use the different buttons (4) to format the text of your flashcard.

5. Click on the “math” button (5) to write your mathematical equation in TeX.

6. Click “OK” (6) to save your equation.

7. Click on the “insert special symbol” button (7) to add special symbols used in scientific equation.

8. Click “Save Changes” (8) to create the flashcard.

That’s It!

Now, you can format your text to create scientific equations and even insert mathematical equations in your flashcards to customize your questions. That’s not all! You can also share these flashcard topics to your friends or even gain insight by viewing topics made by other users!

 Last updated Mon, Dec 13 2021 5:12pm

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